The neuronal cilium
Proposed as the antenna of a cell, the primary cilium of neurons (& thus neuronal cilium) is a ubiquitous solitary hair-like organelle that is under-appreciated in neurobiology. Recent studies have discovered various molecular receptors (e.g. 5HT6, DRD1, MCHR1) in the neuronal cilia that are implicated in various behaviors but the significance of such ciliary enrichment has not been elucidated. We are applying genome editing, imaging & transcriptomic approaches to understand how primary cilia modulate the activity state of neurons and neural circuits. Moreover, we are intrigued by the commonalities between the cilium and nucleus and are developing molecular approaches to ‘listen’ to the molecular conversations between them.
**3D image of adult mouse dorsomedial striatum:
- Red-nuclei
- Yellow- neuronal cilia
- Blue- serotonergic axons